Sophie will be 12 weeks old tomorrow and 3 months old on the 6th of January. This is about the time I returned to full time work with Maddie, so I am really appreciating every day of leave until I return to work in late February. She has a predictable schedule now which is quite nice. She wakes between 7:30 and 8 in the morning, takes a cat nap around 9:30, a 2-3 hour nap around noon, and a couple more cat naps during the evening hours. She usually has her last feeding at 8:30 and goes to bed at 9:00. She wakes up once during the early morning hours, around 4:30 to eat before going back to bed.
She still sleeps in her bassinet in our room. I keep thinking I am going to move her into the crib, but it is so nice not having to get out of bed to feed her. Madeline made her laugh a few days ago which was so cute. She rolled over from her tummy to her back at about 8 weeks, but hasn't really had a chance to practice much. Whenever I put her on her tummy, she is usually content to suck on the backs of her hands. She loves her floor gym and swing, but is not so into her papasan chair anymore. She doesn't go back to see her doctor until 4 months, but I am guessing her weight at about 12 pounds.