Sunday, May 17, 2015


Sophie was over the moon about her first girl scout camping trip with her troop friends! We put a lot of time into packing and planning. I dropped her off at 7 am for a day of learning and a night of fun. Unfortunately, her troop leader called around 7 pm because it was pouring and tents were leaking. She was bringing the girls home. Sophie was so disappointed. I am sure there will be another opportunity, though.

Mother's Day/May!

My mom and Jim came over for Mother's Day. We had a great time grilling dinner and hanging out in the yard.

May is a beautiful time of year around here! Look at everything growing in my front yard. Some things I planted and some things were here when we bought the house, but I really love how it all looks right now!

I even have a cucumber growing in my vegetable garden!

Science Fair and High Ropes

Madeline participated in our school's science fair. I am proud to report that the girls completed the project without adult/parent participation! They did it all themselves and were proud of the end results!

Through Girl Scouts, Madeline participated in a high ropes adventure night climb. Personally, I thought it was a little too dark even with headlamps, but the kids had fun. We came home at midnight!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

My New Baby!

Every few months over the last couple of  years, I have brought up the possibility of a second dog. And every time, Kent has been disagreeable about it. Finally though, he began to warm up to the idea. We visited several shelters and rescue events, completed multiple applications, had vet verification phone calls, and home inspections, and finally it seemed Leah would no longer be an "only" dog.

We purchased new dog bowls and a bed for our  new puppy. LOL, Leah approved.

Finally, we were able to bring our new baby home. I decided to name her "Cali" so she wouldn't feel left out; our other three girls are all Cali-girls.

She has been a wonderful addition so far! She is about nine months old her rescue group guesses. She is a shepherd mix and moslty black with some brown feet, legs, and belly. She really loves the girls and is giving Leah some much needed exercise. Madeline and I love walking the dogs nightly, and we all have been spending a ton of time in the yard.

Ha Ha. Here is Mr. "I don't want another dog" with Cali. He's smitten.

Dancing Queens

Two dances in one month! Both girls attended a Father-Daughter dance through girl scouts in April. OMG, my heart was full watching these three get ready!! Maddie found a hairstyle on youtube, and I was actually successful with it!

The following weekend, Madeline's future middle school hosted a rising 7th grader dance. She went with one of her elementary school friends. Where is the time going!!!!

Easter 2015

We celebrated Easter with our annual egg coloring, both at home and at Grandma Connie's.

Josh, Jenn, and the cousins joined us for an early Easter dinner at Grandma's, too!

The Easter bunny stopped by, and knowing our "not a ton of candy" philosophy, left earrings, headbands, markers, books, and facial masks for Maddie and make-up, mermaid dolls, lego kits, and tattoos for Sophie.

We followed up Easter morning with a brunch and egg hunt with a good friend of Maddie's and an Easter dinner with Kent's side of the family. We had a very full Easter weekend!

Springbreak 2015

Springbreak started off with a cold front this year! The girls attended a birthday party at an adventure park. They had fun, but it was freezing!!

The three of us got pedicures in preparation for sandal weather.

Sophie had been requesting a purple room for awhile. She picked out a new quilt, wall paint, and furniture paint. Her room definitely says "Sophie" now.

At the end of the week, we headed down to Grandma's. We were able to spend a day with our New Jersey cousins, too!

Fun Fair

To wrap up March, we attended our school's annual spring fair! There was lots to do this year, and Madeline spent six hours there!