Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Tomorrow, the movers arrive. We'll load the contents of our loved little home onto 14 feet of space bound for Maryland. Tomorrow, Madeline will have her last day of second grade in the Los Angeles Unified School District, she'll say good-bye to her teacher and to her friends. Tomorrow, Sophie will have her last day at Knollwood Preschool, a lovely place we've been dropping off and picking up from since Madeline was two back in 2005. The day after Tomorrow, we will board a plane at LAX bound for Reagan National in DC.

I have lots of pics I'd like to post, but that will have to wait until the day after the day after tomorrow when my life slows down, drastically.

Monday, February 14, 2011

And . . . We have a closing date!

We have a closing date!! And more importantly, we have flights booked! In 10 days I will see my husband, and the girls will see their daddy for the first time in 2 months. Seriously, how did we survive the last 7 weeks?

Things have moved pretty quickly since December 27th when Kent left our little home for a new job in DC. We listed our home, had an open house, considered an offer, made a counter offer, scheduled countless inspections, signed pages and pages of paperwork, did some more paperwork, and of course, there will be even more paperwork to come.

I feel as though we have reached the homestretch, but the next 9 days are going to take a whole lot of stamina. I am exhausted just thinking about it. Thank God we have been lucky enough to have my Dad and Mel staying with us and helping us through this process!!! I have four more days of work, a house to pack, movers to schedule, and the list goes on and on and on. But, at the end of it, our little family will be finally sleeping under the same roof again.