Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Carving!

Tonight we all gathered around the kitchen table to carve our pumpkins. This year we had the grand idea that we would carve 4 pumpkins, one for each of us. So far, we have completed two, Madeline's and Sophie's.

Madeline wanted something scary:

Sophie wanted something traditional and requested triangles:


I woke the girls up early today, around 6:30, in order to help them into their costumes for school. Madeline was "Daphne" from Scooby-Doo, and Sophie was Cinderella. Madeline actually won the costume contest at her after school program. :)

Halloween Parades

Today the girls has all kinds of Halloween festivities at their schools. They both had parades, Sophie had a little show with songs, and Madeline's class performed a play. I wasn't able to attend any of the events since I had my own sixth graders to attend to, but Kent was there and took many pictures and videos for me to enjoy. Thanks Sweetie!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

35 Years

I had a great evening celebrating my birthday with my family. The girls put on a dance show for me, then Kent and the girls gave me cards that made me cry, and we ate the cake I made. We're going out for dinner one day week, and I am going to do some shopping for myself this weekend. Thanks for all the cards, calls, and texts from my family and friends today!

Monday, October 26, 2009

What We've Been Up to . . .

Mostly, we've been up to being sick. Madeline started us off with a high fever last Thursday. After the urgent care and an appointment with her pediatrician, it was determined that she had the flu. After five long days of motrin and tylenol, she was able to return to school on the following Tuesday. Wednesday, I woke with a fever, left work early, and didn't crawl out of bed for close to twenty hours. I, too, had the flu. Friday, we got a call from Sophie's school to pick her up early since she too, had flu symptoms. She had a fever Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Miraculously, Kent was able to dodge all our germs and remain healthy, at least thus far. Sophie, coincidentally, was the only one who received a flu shot. So all together, we went eleven days with someone running a fever in our house.

Sunday morning, I was feeling a bit stir crazy and decided we were all in good enough health to ride the train at the pumpkin patch. Kent needed some convincing as he couldn't possibly see how riding a train could be more fun than watching football, but look, he is smiling and everything.

See ya Saturday after trick-or-treating! Happy Halloween, Everyone!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Love Fall!

It's that time of year again . . . Time to pull out that adorable pumpkin hat Aunt Jessie knitted and head to the pumpkin patch with the girls. I love this time of year: pumpkins, cooler weather, and Halloween.

Sophie's Party!

We celebrated Sophie's third birthday yesterday evening with a Dora theme and some of our best friends.

Painting time!

Pinata time!

Cake time!

I couldn't get the candles to light outside in the wind, so we moved the cake into the house.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Birthday Season

We have so much to celebrate this week! On Wednesday, September 30, Jessica and Adam welcomed Sawyer Montana into the world. He weighed 8 pounds and three ounces:

Then just this morning, Josh and Jenn welcomed Lillian Frances into the world, too. She weighs six pounds and nine ounces.

Such sweet blessings! Happy "Birth" day, babies!

On Tuesday, our own "baby" will celebrate her third birthday. We spent the morning making cupcakes for her to take to school tomorrow. And of course, Madeline and Sophie had to sample them first.