Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Not Your Average Zoo Trip

The girls and I were going a little stir crazy and looking for something to do. We decided we'd go to the zoo Monday since it wouldn't be as crowded as the weekend. I was expecting another ho hum zoo trip, I mean I enjoy the zoo, it's just that we've gone so many times. Boy, was I surprised! We enjoyed a lot of new activities. First, there was ice-skating. Ice-skating! Madeline had a blast!

Then, there was snow! Well, sudsy-soap-bubble-snow-like stuff. But still, snow!

Then we visited the Children's Discovery Center to learn about the California Condor. It's like a mini children's museum with hands on stuff for the kids to do.

Here the kids are cleaning up the condor's habitat by removing "micro-trash" and learning about it's egg development.

More pictures from the California Condor Rescue Zone:

And finally, against my better judgement, we visited the playground. This was a special treat since I usually avoid this overcrowded area at all costs. Happily, I managed to leave with the two kids I brought in.

Ice Skating!

Keepin' Busy

We have been keeping busy with all our new Christmas presents! Sophie got some new puzzles that we put together, and Madeline received lots of arts and crafts activities. I am only letting her choose one new activity to work on a day since we have two more weeks to fill with fun!

Me and Sophie's handiwork:

Maddie and Kent put together this sphere shaped puzzle below. The box said for ages 6 and up, but really it should have said for ages 16 and up. It was quite difficult to add each piece without breaking the rest of it.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

On Christmas morning, the kids were under strict orders not to get out of their beds until it was light out. They followed the rules about getting out of bed, but Kent and I could hear them checking the blinds starting around 5:30. It didn't help that both girls are sick and took turns having coughing fits between 5:30 and 7ish, as well. A little after 7, we started our morning . . .

What could this be . . .

It's a kitchen! I spent a decent amount of time worrying that Maddie would be disappointed and envious of Sophie's big present, but everything turned out fine.

Madeline had more than enough to open between Santa's presents, Grandparent's presents, and presents from cousins! Our kids are very fortunate.

Madeline's big request from Santa this year was rollerblades. She and Kent went skating, she fell, Kent ran her finger over, and then we put them away for another day. :)

Merry Christmas, everyone! I'll leave you with this short conversation I had with Sophie this morning, the day after Christmas:

Sophie: Is it still Christmas?
Me: No, it's not Christmas anymore.
Sophie: Well . . . is the Easter Bunny coming today?

Christmas Eve

Our tree on Christmas Eve, BEFORE Santa's arrival. It is already crazy full of presents due to the generosity of our families. Thanks everyone!
Cookies for Santa. Sophie had a mini-meltdown Christmas morning when she saw the cookies were gone. I guess we should have explained more clearly who the cookies were for.

My brother and his family sent us an "Elf on a Shelf" a week or so ago. I wasn't really sure how to introduce him to the kids and was having some doubts about Madeline believing the story, especially since a couple of weeks ago, some kids in her class told her Santa wasn't real. So, I decided to make it appear that Santa dropped the elf off with the other toys. Madeline bought it, hook-line-and-sinker. The elf has been great. Both girls will actually tattle to it and not to me! I love it! He'll likely return to the North Pole in a day or two, and he will DEFINITELY be returning next year.

What the kids woke up to Christmas morning.

A Gingerbread House

We decided to start a new tradition: gingerbread houses on Christmas Eve. As you can tell, we used a kit this year. Maybe next year, I'll be more adventurous and bake the gingerbread. Maybe.

Which movie does this remind you of?

Me and my girls waiting for the sides of our house to dry before putting on the roof:

House decorating in progress:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

New Clothes!

Grandma Shirley got the girls some new winter clothes just in time. We've had some cool, windy, and rainy weather lately, and I have enjoyed dressing the girls in their new warm duds. And of course, I then force them to pose for pictures for me. :) Thanks Grandma!


My three weeks of winter vacation began last week. We have been enjoying our time relaxing together. Mostly, we've been watching movies, baking cookies, and sleeping in. We also took a trip to the library, visited the park, and spent an evening with friends.

Pumpkin Pies!

We had two large pumpkins leftover from Halloween that we didn't carve. Kent had this grand idea that we would make pumpkin pies out of them, and we did! Delicious!

Holiday Programs

During our last week of work and school, both girls participated in holiday programs at their schools. In the above picture, Madeline is in the back row and fifth from the right. I didn't get to see Sophie's performance, but Kent said she picked her nose through the entire second song. :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What A Week!

The high-light of our week, hands down, was a visit with Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Shirley! The low-lights: it was cold, it rained, and the kids were sick. Boo.

Ralph and Shirley arrived Tuesday evening and managed to get in a round of golf with Kent on Wednesday before it started to pour and the girls' fevers started to rise. The kids rested up on Thursday and Friday, and with a little help from our friends, Tylenol and Motrin, we had some lovely meals and conversations together. Saturday, we braved the rain and ventured into Hollywood where Ralph and Shirley treated us to see How the Grinch Stole Christmas at the Pantages Theater. It was a 9o minute performance, and the kids were entertained the whole time. We had a blast!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Bye Bye Diapers!

We've got some exciting news around here! Finally, at long last, Sophie is saying good-bye to her diapers. We worked really hard over the four day weekend of Thanksgiving, and although we had some accidents then and some since, she is sporting her Dora underwear during the day now. She's still in a diaper at night, but 90% of the time, it's dry in the morning, too.