Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jessie, Adam, and Emmet's Shower

I helped host a shower for my little sister today. Grandma Mel, Grandma Elaine, and Jessie's best friend Kim flew in for the event. They joined about 35 other guests for a fun filled afternoon.

Here's Jessie at 35 weeks, and Kim at 24 weeks. Their boys will be the best of friends!

Hmmm, How Big are We?

Really Cute Stuff

The onsie activity turned out to be a hit. Look how creative and artistic some of Jessie's friends are!

Rebecca, who hosted the shower, made the adorable fruit salad carriage.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Things Are Changing Around Here . . .

With only three weeks of leave left, things are beginning to change in our house. It is hard to believe that I have not worked since September and have been off for 17 weeks now. I have really enjoyed the time with my girls, but I am surprised to find myself looking forward to returning to work. It helps to know that summer vacation is only a few months away.

Sophie is changing so quickly. She and Maddie share a room now, and both sleep peacefully through the night without waking the other. Sophie is working really hard at trying to roll from her back to her tummy. In fact, she is so wiggly and active that we took our saucer out of storage, and she is not even 4 months old yet! She actually protests when I try to plunk her into her papasan chair.

Madeline is growing way too fast. I can't believe she'll be in kindergarten in 18 months. My return to work will likely be most difficult for her as she is quite happy about leaving preschool at nap time. She also gave herself her first haircut this week; she chopped a good chunk off the front creating some bangs. Luckily, I caught her after the first snip. Pretty funny, in hindsight of course.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another Day at the Zoo

We spent another morning at the zoo today. This is where Maddie threw pennies into the fountain and enjoyed climbing on the rocks. It's funny because I think Maddie's favorite parts of the zoo are the fountain, the playground, and the snacks rather than the animals. We did a lot more walking than site seeing due to the zoo's construction detours. Besides, my goal was to push the heavy stroller with 50 pounds of kids up the steepest hills we could find.Madeline scored a drink in a seal container. Just a little splurge while Sophie dined on formula.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday Morning

Ahhhh, aren't they cute!
Look what I made at preschool, Sophie!
Even more ways for Sophie to enjoy her papasan chair and get some tummy time, too!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Carrie's Baby Shower

Carrie is just about the happiest, most beautiful, well educated Mom-to-be I've ever seen. What a lucky baby she and Lyman will bring into the world. It was an honor to help host a shower for such a wonderful friend yesterday.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bedtime Stories

Story time with both of my babies.

Mommy Maddie

This motherhood stuff is a lot harder than I thought! Will I ever get any work done around here?????????

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Madeline used some special crayons (a gift from Aunt Dawn) to write her name on our wall during bath time last night. Can you find all 8 letters?

Mmmmm, Plastic

My toys taste yummy!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday Night

Friday night with the fam.


Sweet baby has a cold. She can grasp toys and get them into her mouth now. Yippee!

Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm Three Months Old!

Look at me! I am 3 months old now! Mommy is so proud of me because l slept from 8:00 last night until 8:00 this morning and I only woke up once at 5:30 to eat! Then I spent a couple hours with Betty and got an excellent report. Betty thinks I am "so cute" and "such a good baby."

Tummy Time


Maddie had her two best friends, Andrew and Ethan, over to play on Saturday. They had lots of fun playing outside and hiding in her closet.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Matching Jammies

I have enjoyed buying the girls some matching outfits. Here they are wearing matching jammies. Now that Sophie is sleeping in the crib, she has totally regressed in her night sleeping. She has been waking up twice instead of once, so I think she'll be returning to our room. As Kent puts it, "We're getting the band back together."

Friday, January 05, 2007

Camping with Gramps

Madeline spent the night with Grandpa and Grandma in their camper Wednesday night. She had a great time with their undivided attention and even went out for pancakes the next morning.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

L.A. Zoo

Some pictures of Madeline playing at the zoo yesterday.