Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rainy Days

Yuck! We are having some nasty weather around here. Since we're cooped up inside for the day, we filled our morning with an impromptu bath.

Those nine teeth are old news, Sophie has ten now!

Monday, January 21, 2008

15 Month Check-up

We visited our doctor today for Sophie's 15 month well-baby-check-up. She's picking up new things every day. She knows the hand motions (o.k., some of them) to the "Wheels on the Bus" and "The Itsy-bitsy Spider." She'll attempt just about anything she sees her big sister do. She can say Mama, Dada, dog (more like "da"), hi, and nana (as in banana). She is quite the eater these days with her 9, yep 9, teeth. She's trying to be more civilized while eating by using her own spoon and fork, and I try to serve her food in bowls and on plates rather than just dumping meals onto her highchair tray. Here current stats are as follows, drum roll, please:

Weight: 23 pounds, 6 oz. (60%)
Height: 31 and 3/4 inches (92%)

Saturday, January 19, 2008


As you may have heard, my sister is planning to leave me in a couple of months. She will be heading to Montana and taking the little one with her. So we decided to take some pictures of us and the kids together while we still could. No hubbies are pictured since they could not be talked out of their day of golf, beer, and football play-offs. How could that sound like more fun than professional pictures with 3 little ones??? Anyway, we were quite pleased with how the pictures turned out, even with out those silly guys.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

15 Month Skills

Sophie shows off some of her skills.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Uncle Adam

Maddie and I were looking through some old pictures and video on the computer tonight when we came across this picture from January 2003. I was pregnant with Maddie, and Jessie and Adam weren't even married yet. It's hard to believe 5 years have passed since this photo was taken. Happy Birthday, Uncle Adam!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Headed Home

Here we are at Dulles, ready to board our flight back to LAX. The kids look just about as excited as mom and dad felt to be embarking on a six hour flight.

Nanty Glo Snow

While in PA, Maddie amused herself with some left over snow.

Kent shows Maddie the hill where he sledded as a kid:

A little snow stomping:

Nanty Glo, PA

From Va, we traveled to PA to spend New Year's with Kent's Gram and help her celebrate her 91st birthday. Above, Maddie is standing in front of the house Grandma Shirley grew up in, and where her Mom, Kent's Gram, still lives.

Four generations of mothers and daughters: Gram, Grandma Shirley, Aunt Dawn, and baby Eddy.

Happy Eddy:

For Cousin K

Thanks for letting us play with all of your toys, especially your jumper. We miss you already little cousin!!