Saturday, March 30, 2013


I scoured craigslist for a good six months looking for a low bookshelf I could paint for Maddie . . .  with zero luck.  Then, Kent came up with a great idea: ask Ralph to make one!  We gave Kent's dad our measurements for a shelf to fit perfectly under the window in Maddie's room, and voila!! I painted the set green to match her desk, and Maddie arranged her favorite books and other possessions. We all love the new pieces! Thanks, Ralph!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Play Dates, Pancakes, Pizza

 We hosted two play dates over spring break.  One morning, we invited our three neighbors over for pancakes. Madeline and I made these snowman pancakes we found on Pinterest.

On another day, the girls invited friends from school over.  We made pizzas and colored our Easter eggs.  I am happy to report there were no spills!

Monday, March 25, 2013


When you get snow on spring break, you play in it! We had such a memorable day! Kent took the afternoon off, and we all went sledding. Sophie was such a sport (she usually isn't), and we had so much fun!

Sophie's Snowman

Early Spring Snow!

Snip, Snip

Madeline wanted to donate her hair to Locks of Love again. Her first donation was almost exactly two years ago; I wish my hair grew that fast!

Sophie wanted a haircut, too. So, off we went . . .

Maddie just made the 10 inch minimum.

Sophie's first real hair cut:

Both girls are very happy with their new looks.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Art Show

A piece of Sophie's artwork was selected for an area art show. Our school sends two pieces per grade level, so Sophie's was one of two pieces chosen from 125 kindergarten students. I was really happy for her, but Sophie was surprisingly upset about it. She didn't want other people to look at her work. Luckily, the cake at the show was enough to distract her from her worries.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Final Performance and Other Updates

Last night was Madeline's final jumprope performance. Her team performed for eight minutes during the halftime show of the Wizards/Hornets game at the Verizon Center. It was very awesome! Kent took a nice video which you can see in the previous post.

We are sad to see the performance season come to a close. The current coaches are moving on, but luckily, a couple of parents have agreed to continue the team next year.

With the school's season coming to end, Madeline has signed on to take jumprope classes with a new company. She plans to try out for their competitive team in the fall, as well. In order to pursue jumprope, Madeline had to let gymnastics go after several years with the sport. So far, she is happy with her decision.

She is swimming twice a week and has decided to train for a 5K with a running group two afternoons a week. She'll need a buddy runner, and I am hoping it will be me. I am hoping I can work my way up to three miles over the next couple of months.

Things are busy around here, but pretty calm. We have no big projects in the works: no home to shop for, no job to hunt for, and no studio to build.  I'd like to find some hobbies to keep busy with and have picked out some projects for spring and summer. Mostly, I'd like to refinish a few pieces of furniture, complete our guest room, paint a few rooms, plant a vegetable garden, and do some small landscaping things.

I started by updating my bathroom with a new shower curtain and a few new accessories this weekend. Always looking for a bargain, I found the wall hanging at our Goodwill. Kent's not a fan of the curtain, but luckily, he has his own bathroom to use. I love mine.

Washington Wizards Halftime Show

We wrapped up Madeline's jumprope season with a performance at the Verizon Center last night.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Snow Day!

We woke up to snow! Kent set up shop on the dining room table (he worked from home), and we watched, and watched, and watched the snow fall!  It was beautiful! We ventured out around eleven and found about 4-5 inches in the front yard. There was lots of slush, but we managed to construct a small snowman in about thirty seconds before heading to the park for a couple of toboggan trips down a small hill.