Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tree Trimming

We spent most of Friday taking out Christmas decorations and trimming the tree. I think this is the first year Madeline will fully comprehend the whole Santa Clause concept. She says she wants a doll that walks all by herself.

All Done!

Madeline appears to be done decorating, but she's not. The Christmas tree is her new favorite toy and past time. She is constantly making changes and rearranging the ornaments.

The Holiday Spirit

Sophie joined the fun by sporting her new "Baby's first Christmas" jammies.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

We had to reschedule our trip east Tuesday morning when I came down with a terrible cold/flu Monday night. I had fever, chills, sore throat, stuffy nose, the works. There is nothing worse than getting sick when you're already exhausted from sleep deprivation and have a six week old to care for. Anyway, Kent went right to work. He did 99% of the Thanksgiving work, from the shopping to cooking our 21 pound turkey (yes, 21 pounds for 2 adults and a 3 year old). Luckily, we won't have to worry about preparing a meal for a couple of weeks with all of our left overs. In this picture, Kent is preparing the home made stuffing the night before with 2 superivisors and a photographer.

Maddie's Contribution

Maddie helped make the green bean casserole. I made the mashed potatoes, and Kent took care of everything else.

Madeline's Dinner

She asked if her special dinner was ready about a million times. Here is her much anticipated plate: made from scratch gravy surrounded by broccoli casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, turkey, and corn.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Clean Babies

Both girls got baths last night; evenings sure are busy. Sophie can now go a little over 6 hours between feedings at night (loving it!), and Maddie does her usual 11 1/2 (no more naps for her, though).

Happy Baby!

Sophie was smiling up a storm this morning.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Some moments from Saturday morning.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Sophie Smiles

My Daddy says I am a "loaf of bread," but look what I can do!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Daddy's Girls

I realized we didn't have any pictures of Kent with his 2 daughters. They love to play superheroes. Maddie is usually Superman, and Sophie is known as "Barf Girl."

The Girls

We did Christmas portraits at the mall today. Madeline did great, but Sophie did not enjoy the experience. We were able to get a couple good shots that we'll send out with cards this year. It was an experience for me, getting both girls into to dresses, keeping them clean, fed, happy, cooperative, and patient. We were on time, but of course, the studio was running late. Sophie will be boarding her first flight next week during the busy holiday travel season to spend Thanksgiving on the east coast. Wish us luck!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty in Pink

Here's Sophie in her favortite spot, the papasan chair. She loves it! Sophie will be 6 weeks old tomorrow, and she's looking more like Maddie did as a baby (as least to me) each day. She has started smiling, but I haven't been able to capture it on film yet. Last night, she only woke up once between her 8:00 pm feeding and 5:30 this morning. I hope, hope, hope the trend continues.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What Sophie's Up To . . .

What has she been up to? Hmmmm, let's see . . . turning 1 month old, eating every 2 and a half to 3 hours with a 4 and a half hour stretch at night, and taking a bath each night (the doctor said not to bathe her every day, but I LOVE it too much and can't resist). She's awake more during the day, is more alert, and looks around more. I think I've seen a few liitle smiles playing at the corners of her mouth, can't wait to see a big, for sure one in the next couple of weeks. Other than that, she's been keeping me quite busy along with her big sister. The two have ganged up and outnumbered me a couple of times!

What Maddie's Up to . . .

She's been very active, always moving, and on the go. She's been making big messes in our very little, seems to be shrinking home, going to the park, playing with Andrew, and catching up on cartoons. She's going to preschool 3 mornings a week ( thank goodness for that!) and keeping Mommy very, very busy. Oh yeah, she's as sweet as ever!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our family to yours!

Sophie's First Halloween

Would someone please wake her up? Sophie wore Maddie's first Halloween costume last night. It was a bit big on her, but I thought she looked pretty cute.

Snow White

Madeline was Snow White this year. I was so happy when she decided on this costume because her first two choices were either Spiderman or a Power Ranger. She loved wearing the costume, especially the red shoes Grandma Shirley got for her. We all had so much fun trick or treating last night. I thought we'd only go to a couple of houses, but Maddie was so thrilled with the getting lots of candy concept we were out for over an hour.

Halloween Street Fair

Maddie and Andrew got to try out their costumes and trick or treating skills last Saturday when Natalie and I took them to a neighborhood fair. Snow White and Thomas the Train loved the jumper so much they went in twice.