Wednesday, April 23, 2008

18 Month Stats

Sophie had her check up with her doctor Monday morning. Here are her official 18 (+2 weeks) stats: 26 pounds, 3 ounces (70th percentile) and 33 inches (90th percentile).

Since I took the day off work for the appointment, we were able to spend the afternoon at the park with good friends Andrew, Alexis, and Natalie.

Andrew and Maddie had a fantastic time running around with these masks on.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Blast Off!!!

Ethan turned four today with a fun-filled space-themed party.  The kids had a blast!!  Even Sophie loved the moon bounce and cake.

Go Ethan!!  Happy Birthday!!

Sophie investigates the adorable party favors:

Maddie and the moon bounce:

Moon Rocks

In addition to the moon bounce and moon pies, the kids went on a hunt for moon rocks with these soooo cute personalized jet packs.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Zoo Day

We spent the morning at the LA Zoo with our good friends Carrie, Milo, Theresa, and Liam. It was a cool and overcast day, perfect weather for the zoo. Maddie loved the train best, as usual, and she enjoyed the roly-poly bug she found as much as any other animal there.

Sophie was really good about being in her stroller during the trip. Here she is watching Maddie ride the LA Choo Choo. She seemed to like watching the seals and giraffes, too.

Sophie's Signature Smile

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sophie and the Hat

Spring Has Sprung

Sophie and the Swing

Post-Cookie Grins

Maddie said she wanted to make chocolate chip cookies one day this week. So, of course, we did. Baking is one of our favorite things to do together. She loves cracking the eggs and is really good at putting the dough on the cookie sheets, too.

Making A Splash

The warm weather has returned and so has our little pool.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

18 Months!!

Look who's 18 months old today!!!! Our little baby is turning into a little girl.

For about a month now, she has been telling us not only when she needs a diaper change, but she even tells us when she's about to have a dirty diaper. So she may have been a late walker, and perhaps a little late on talking, but I think we just might have an early potty trainer on our hands!! So far, we have only had luck in getting her dolls and stuffed animals onto the little potty, but we'll see . . .

Her next appointment isn't for another two weeks, so I have no official stats to report. On our home scale, she's 25 pounds. She can run and climb now and loves getting onto the couch and chairs. She also says around 20 words. Her newest ones are "purple" and "more." She seems to add a new word everyday now.

Material Girls

I love matching outfits on my girls!! These came from Grandma Shirley, Thanks Grandma! I keep telling Kent the eighties are back, but he doesn't believe me.

Camping Trip

We took a little camping trip in our backyard last weekend. Maddie said she wanted to put one of her little tents up, so Kent decided to put up our real tent. He even made a fire and went out and got smores ingredients. He even agreed to spend the night in the tent, but luckily, Maddie decided she wanted to come in the house around 10 pm. Thanks Daddy!!! You're the best!!!


Sophie's first roasted marshmallow:

Wednesday, April 02, 2008