Look who's 18 months old today!!!! Our little baby is turning into a little girl.
For about a month now, she has been telling us not only when she needs a diaper change, but she even tells us when she's about to have a dirty diaper. So she may have been a late walker, and perhaps a little late on talking, but I think we just might have an early potty trainer on our hands!! So far, we have only had luck in getting her dolls and stuffed animals onto the little potty, but we'll see . . .
Her next appointment isn't for another two weeks, so I have no official stats to report. On our home scale, she's 25 pounds. She can run and climb now and loves getting onto the couch and chairs. She also says around 20 words. Her newest ones are "purple" and "more." She seems to add a new word everyday now.
Wow is little Sophie growing up fast!!
My my Sophie, such a big girl! I can not wait to see you again!
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