Saturday, April 26, 2014

More Spring!

One afternoon over spring break, Kent left work early, and we toured the Sully Plantation. The girls wrote letters with quill pens and sealed them with wax.

Later that evening, we made pizzas. Kent made the dough from scratch, and the girls loved adding peppers and spinach. It didn't't seem too unhealthy when they were done.

We did our traditional egg coloring. Their eggs were so cute that Kent and I have felt bad eating them over the last week.

One the items Madeline found during the egg hunt at her friend's house:

Sophie and I ready for Easter dinner at Ralph and Shirley's:

A beautiful end to Easter. Having fun with cousins on a gorgeous evening.


We've had some snow and some spring since my last post in March. The snow was fun, but we are loving the perfect temperatures, the greenery, and everything blooming around us. I took Sophie flower shopping, and she was in love! Can we buy this, how about this, ooh- I really want this!! I couldn't keep up with her at the garden center. After shopping, we planted our purchases and headed out for some hand and feet pampering.

Over spring break, the girls and I walked around Burke Lake one morning.

Easter morning, we headed over to a brunch and egg hunt hosted by Maddie's best friend.

What does a ten year old keep in her purse? Jellybeans, of course.