Monday, April 30, 2007

Baby Baptism

Here's Sophie posing on the alter. She is wearing the same gown her Godmother wore for her baptism.

Sophie with her Godparents: Uncle Adam and Aunt Jessie.

Family Photo

Weekend Visitors

We had a lovely visit with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend. Maddie had a grand time as you can clearly see on her face!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Books and Jammies

Here are some precious moments I'll always remember. I was trying to read the girls some bedtime stories, but Madeline insisted on making Sophie laugh and Sophie insisted on eating the books.

I think she looks like Daddy. . .

When people ask who Sophie looks like, I am not sure how to respond. I really don't think she looks like either of us. If I had to choose, I guess I'd say she looks more like Kent. But maybe it's just the hat.

Our Little S*itter!

Our little Sophie is getting so good at sitting! I love this picture because it shows her furrowed brow. She does this when she is really trying to accomplish something difficult.

Finally, she gets it where she wants it, her mouth. Look at her blond, blond hair!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Ethan's Party

Here are some pictures taken at Ethan's third birthday party last weekend. I took them from Jennifer's site
since I didn't have my camera.

Happy Birthday, Ethan! We had so much fun at your party!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A New Addition

We are now the proud parents of two little girls and one Nintendo Wii. Kent loved the one at Ethan's party yesterday (I forgot my camera!) so much that he had to have his own.

After multiple calls to various stores last night, Kent joined the lines outside Toys R Us (before they opened) in anticipation of a new shipment. Lucky number 20 came home with his prize this morning.

Soccer Star

Maddie had her first soccer lesson last week. I think she was a bit disappointed because she told me beforehand that she wanted to score a goal and to steal the ball from the other kids. Her class was mostly drills, and Kent was forced to participate too. I don't think Kent will be able to go tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. . .

We were thrilled when Maddie "bumped" the ball with her head.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bathing Beauties

While Daddy golfs, the girls get pretty.

I have to look my best because tomorrow is my first soccer lesson!

Seriously, could I get any chubbier?

Look Mom, No Teeth

Look at the gummy smile! I wonder how much longer I'll see that toothless grin! Sophie is the early bird today. Instead of waking around 5 and going back to bed for a bit, she slept until 6:15. I can't complain though, that's an eleven hour stretch for her. Besides, it gives us a quiet moment together which is quite rare!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Egg Hunt

After church, the "big girls" hunted for Easter eggs hidden in the backyard.

Easter Sunday

After a very moody-Maddie-morning, we dressed and attended Easter Mass. Here are some pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Eve

Kent's brother, sister-in-law, and niece arrived from the west coast last night. Today, we went to dinner at our favorite Studio City restaurant then returned home to color Easter eggs.

Even Sophie got in on the fun:

Steady hands!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Sophie at Six Months

The Post Trauma Nap:

All Recovered!

Sophie is six months old today! What did she get for her birthday? Three lovely shots and a check-up. Actually, the shots were not bad. Sophie didn't even notice the first one; those chubby legs are coming in handy! She cried a little with the next two, but not for more than 5 seconds. She is such a dreamy baby, even the doctor commented on how good she was and how lucky I am (I already know!).

So here are her stats: height- 26.5 inches, weight-17 lbs 5 ounces, head-16.5 inches. That puts her height in the 85th percentile and her weight in the 77th percentile. Her head, which looks so big to us, is only between the 25th and 50th percentiles! That means most six month olds have a head bigger than hers which I find unbelieveable. It's funny because although her length is exactly the same as Maddie's was at 6 months, Sophie weighs 1 ounce less even though she seems so much chubbier than Maddie. I don't know, maybe my mommy-brain is playing tricks on me again. . .

What else . . . She rolls easily over in both directions, loves- loves- loves her play mat, loves people, smiles easily, is head over heels about her sister. . . She eats breakfast and dinner which consist of rice cereal, fruits, and veggies, has no dislikes, but bananas and pears are her favorites, she has no teeth yet, but I think her hair is starting to come back in (yeah!).

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Mount Rubidoux

We hiked up Mount Rubidoux yesterday with Jessie and Emmet. The last time I hiked with Jessie, I was eight months pregnant and I think it was actually easier hiking while pregnant than pushing a 38 pounder plus a 17 pounder in our tank of a stroller.

First Cousins

Maddie: 3 years, 7 months
Sophie: 5 months, 3 weeks
Emmet: 1 month, 4 days
Cute Factor: Off the Charts

The girls reconnected with Leroy this week. He fetched and fought with Maddie like he did when was younger.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Movie Night

When Kent and I tucker out before the kids, we implement movie night and allow Madeline to snuggle in our bed and watch a movie of her choice. Last night's feature was Peter Pan. We only had to endure about 45 minutes before both girls fell asleep and Kent replaced the DVD with one of his favorites, Wedding Crashers.

Go Sophie!

You won't find this milestone in any book, but it is a good one. The day your child can retrieve his or her own "binky" and get it back into their mouth is one worth celebrating. Go Sophie!

Planting Season

Today I tackled the task of selecting plants for our patio; a daunting task for me who has no green thumb at all. I ended up choosing something called a potato vine since the tag said they flower all year long. I wonder how long it will take for them to grow up and over the arbor creating some shade for us? Hopefully, I won't kill them first.

The Before:

The After: