Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Swim and Dive Season

Swim and dive season is upon us! Both girls have joined both teams. They love dive and are not as excited about swim this year. Sophie has made huge strides with swim and is able to participate in three strokes legally. She took ten seconds off her freestyle from last year, too.

Both girls participated in the first dive meet. Here is a picture of Sophie doing a back dive. The first meet was extra exciting because Sophie sang the National Anthem all by herself, and Maddie placed first in her age group! We are off to a great start!!

Sixth Grade Graduate

Madeline wrapped up her elementary years in June. She was so excited about her promotion ceremony and party. How pretty are these young ladies!!

Below is a picture with some of my colleagues who also had graduating sixth graders. We are really going to miss spending our days with them next year.

Madeline received a Presidential award for academic excellence for maintaining a 3.5 minimum GPA since fourth grade and earning advanced state test scores. As you can see below, she was one of many. Her award was signed by President Obama!

Following the ceremony, the kids had a huge party complete with food, soda, a DJ, and a photo booth!

Ginger, Dog #3

Once Kent approved of my getting a second dog and he saw how beautifully she fit into our family, he began to ponder adding a third. He visited the rescue group Cali came from and found a skinny shy hound with huge floppy ears. The rescue said we could take her home for a trial period to see how she fit in. She is very sweet, and Madeline adores her. However, she is definitely more work than the other two dogs put together. Maddie is rooting for her, so we are working really hard on training in several areas. I consider her on probation . . . She is pretty cute . . . when she's sleeping.

Dance Recital

 Maddie took a break from gymnastics this winter to try a ballet and an acro dance class. She really enjoyed it. She performed in a recital in early June. Grandma and Grandpa came to watch.

Internet Cafe

Just a random picture of what our living room often looks like . . . neighborhood gathering place.

New Jersey

The last weekend in May, we drove up to see our New Jersey family. We spent a night with Josh, Jenn, and our cousins enjoying their rope swing and lakeside beach.