Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mr. Milo Turns 2!

We spent the afternoon celebrating Milo's second birthday.  The girls had a grand time running, jumping, climbing, singing, dancing, cake eating, and parading around Gymboree.    Happy Birthday, Milo!

The party was perfect for Maddie with her boundless energy.  The songs and games were right up her alley.  She actually told me she wants to be a Gymboree teacher when she grows up, and she was quite bummed to discover she is too old to have her next party there.  Unfortunately, Gymboree's parties are for five and under.   :(

Here is Sophie before she took a tumble that will take us to the mall tomorrow to fix up her glasses.  She's not as independent as Madeline, and likes to keep her eye on my whereabouts.  While at the party, I momentary held one year old Jonas, much to Sophie's dislike.  She said, "Don't hold that baby.  Hold this baby (pointing to herself).  I'm your baby."  It's funny, I have one kid that clings to me, and one that runs from me.  :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Big Girls!

My girls are getting big.  Too big.  I have no more "babies."  Maddie will be officially five and a half on Monday.  This week, she celebrated her 100th day of school, and now boasts that in 80 more days, she'll be in first grade.  First grade!  Sigh.  Finding bugs is still one of her past times, and below, she's letting her roly-polies play in her dollhouse.

We packed up Sophie's highchair this week, too.  The only baby item we have now, besides diapers and pacifiers, is her crib.  Hopefully, we'll be in a bigger house sometime in the next six months, and we'll move her into a big girl bed then.  

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day at the Zoo

Friday the 13th, My Lucky Day

I took Friday off from work and loved being able to take my girls to school in the morning. They both took Valentines for their classmates and were so adorable.

Friday the thirteenth was also a lucky day because look who came to see us!!!!  It's Aunt Jessie, Uncle Adam, and EMMET!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Winter Weather

I didn't pay attention to the groundhog's prediction last week, but it sure feels like winter around here.  We went to the park this morning despite the wind, rain, and cold, and I thought the clouds and my girls were quite pretty.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

As Promised

Just a couple of pictures from the last few weeks to keep my promise:

Summer in the winter time:

Early morning story time with Daddy:

Sophie at school:

The day we lost in the play-offs