Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tooth Number Two

Madeline lost tooth number two on Monday. The first baby teeth to come in were the first ones to come out. Now how long does it take the two new teeth to come in?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Madeline Lost a Tooth!

Now you see it,

And now you don't! Madeline lost her first tooth Friday night! The only downer was since Friday was her last day of school, she didn't get a chance to show her friends at school or get her name on that special bulletin board. She did, however, get a visit from the tooth fairy, a dollar!

Here's a picture of Sophie eating her waffles. I wish I could report she was potty trained, but *sigh* not just yet. After she went through three pairs of underwear in two hours last night, she was back in her diaper. We'll keep working on that one.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Grandpa and Travel Town

Last weekend, we spent several days with Grandpa Ralph. We decided to visit Travel Town where we could ride a train and look at some old locomotives. Funny enough, on our way out, we ran into our good friends: Carrie, Lyman, and Milo!

Our Young Author

One day last week, Kent attended Madeline's Young Author's Awards Program where her book about bugs was deemed "most imaginative."

Sunday, June 07, 2009


I forgot to post this waterfall video from Lee Vining last weekend.


Last week, Madeline received an award for "Outstanding Citizenship." She has really loved kindergarten, and I hope she enjoys first grade just as much. I think her ears are finally on the road to recovery, too. After Kent and I noticed something going on with her hearing, and she subsequently failed a hearing test at school, we knew it was time to investigate. Her doctor confirmed ear infections in both ears and prescribed an antibiotic. Two weeks later, still 2 ear infections and a new antibiotic. Two more weeks later, still two ear infections and a third antiobiotic. Two weeks later, her ears show improvement, and she gets a prescription for some prednisole (sp?). She goes back this Thursday. Somewhere in the last two weeks, Sophie had her own double ear infections. We sure are keeping our pediatrician in business!