Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rainy Day

It's raining, it's pouring, and most of the family is snoring. What a quiet day we're having! Besides Sophie's ballet class, we have all been homebound. Kent and Sophie are both napping, Madeline's playing on the computer, and I am just listening to the rain. It is exactly the kind of day I need, nice and relaxing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hiking in the Canyon

We took the kids and the dog on a hike through Eaton Canyon in Pasadena this morning. I couldn't decide which pictures I liked best, so I posted most of them.

Busy Saturday!

First on our weekend agenda was Sophie's ballet class. Second, on the schedule was Milo'smuch anticipated third birthday party at Gymboree! The kids had a blast, and I think I squeezed in a workout just trying to keep up!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Age: Three years and four months
Favorite Book: Goodnight Moon
Fears: Public restrooms with automatic flushing toilets
New Skills: Name writing

Healthy Hearts

Kent has been encouraging our family to make healthier food choices by cutting any foods with trans-fats, partially hydrogenated oils, and excess sugar from our diets. For me, the biggest things to give up have been my beloved flavored coffee creamers, flour tortillas, and baking cookies with the girls. I am reading lots of labels when grocery shopping and checking our cabinets for hidden culprits like pretzels and graham crackers to throw out. Who knew pretzels would turn out to be an unhealthy snack? I'll be reading In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan sometime in the near future so I can be better educated about keeping us all healthier.

More Leah

Leah enjoying a perfect evening outdoors with her new family.

President's Day

We had a three day weekend in honor of President's Day, so we headed off to Griffith Park to ride the carousel. Check out Sophie's new skill, "wink, wink."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back to Ballet

Sophie requested to take dance class again, so we are embarking on round two with the impatient dance teacher. Sophie seemed happy, so I will bite my tongue. I'll be focussing on the adorableness of the three year old ballerinas and attempting to tune out the sounds of their teacher.

Here Comes the Sun

Sunny skies and warm temperatures have returned to Los Angeles!! Whoo hoo! We are enjoying a reprieve from the rain by taking advantage of our backyard this weekend. Madeline even took her coloring outside in order to enjoy the sunshine.

Here is a snapshot of Sophie entertaining herself with the contents of my purse during Madeline's musical theater class:

and painting a masterpiece at home later:

She's a Keeper

We've all adjusted well to our new pet. Leah is a great addition. The girls love her, and she is very sweet with both of them. In the last month, she has put on 12 pounds, and according to our bathroom scale, she now weighs 34 pounds. On Saturday, Kent and I noticed that her chain collar was fitting more snuggly around her neck, and it was a small challenge to actually get it off her head. Oops, sorry Leah!

Leah has been very helpful with "de-cluttering" the house. Any toy that gets left on the floor, gets chewed on. We now have multiple barbies without hands, feet, heads, etc. It's an irritating puppy habit, but I think it is teaching our girls to pick up after themselves. They can pretty much say good-bye to any toy they leave out. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Over the last few weeks, I have been extremely envious of the east coast snow and more specifically, the east coast snow days. Unfortunately, I can't even brag about LA's sunshine and warm weather, as it has been fairly cool and very wet over the last month. Anyway, we spent a quiet and cozy weekend at home last week, and the girls and I baked some oatmeal, brown sugar, and apple muffins from scratch for fun. If you're just hanging out at home, I figure there is really no point in coordinating ensembles, hence, Sophie's attire.