Monday, July 30, 2007

Betty Babies

After visiting Alexis at the hospital, I picked Maddie up from preschool early. Since she has been wanting to visit Betty, it was a perfect opportunity. Having my camera along was a plus, too.

Maddie and Baby Faith:

Faith is Betty's 5 month old granddaughter, and besides being 4 months younger than Sophie, they seem to be meeting their milestones at the same time. Faith can crawl and pull up to standing, too.

Sophie (9 months) and Paul (18 month)s:

Congratulations Natalie!

Whew! That was fast!! Alexis was born at 4:45 this morning!!! That was only 45 minutes after Natalie arrived at the hospital!! Alexis weighs 7 pounds 9 ounces and is doing great!

Here are some pics from this afternoon. Look at all that dark hair!

Monday A.M.

It's Monday morning, and look who is at our house! You know what that means, right? Andrew is going to be a big brother today! I got a 4 am phone call and was off to the hospital to pick the little guy up. Boy is Maddie happy to have a playmate this morning!

Sunday P.M.

Kent took Maddie to the golf course to try out their new clubs . . .

Sunday A.M.

Pictures from our lazy Sunday morning . . .

After Kent's nap, we all did a little shopping since he was in need of a new putter.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

More Bath Pics

Yesterday afternoon we decided to take the kids swimming at a local pool (free with your library card). So we dressed them, sunscreened them, made two stops: one for swim diapers and one for some goggles, only to find that the pool had closed early due to some "murky" water. Maddie was disappointed so we ordered her pizza for dinner and let her try her new goggles out in the tub.

In her efforts to see into the bathtub, Sophie pulled up to standing for the first time! I tried to get her to do it again for a photo but was unsuccessful.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Patio Furniture

Our Patio furniture arrived yesterday afternoon, and with it, some nice big boxes for the kids to play in!

Maddie, mid-command:

Hey, we just got boo-boos (Maddie's lip, Sophie's head)! Why is Mommy still snapping pictures?

The end result: one loveseat, one coffee table, 2 chairs, and so much comfort!

Andrew's Party

Monday evening was spent at Andrews 4th birthday, a pool party.

Jennifer and Ethan soak their toes:

Sophie got a little shower from her sister, and that's not all she got. One of the kids hit the pinata so hard that it flew off it's rope, sailed through the air, and hit poor Sophie in the head. The stange part was that I had actually just moved her to a new location for fear of one of the bigger kids and the bat. And let me tell you, that pinata was not light. Maddie, Ethan, Andrew, and I stuffed it with candy until we literally couldn't stuff one more piece into it. Anyway, she seems to have survived and is still in working order.

Sophie, 9 1/2 Months

She's not pulling up to stand yet, but she's contemplating it.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

We got an invite to hang out with our friends Carrie and Ryan this afternoon. The boys had a great time playing video games, and the girls played in the pool. Maddie always has a blast with Carrie because she always goes out of her way to make Maddie feel special. Today she made her blue jello with swedish fish, not to mention salmon and potatoes for the grown-ups. Carrie is a nanny, and I would so hire her if I could afford it. She has worked for many celebrities, even Cindy Crawford. When she worked for one of the writers of Gray's Anatomy, Maddie was the recipient of some great hand-me-downs.

Questionable Toys???

I think this one is pretty self-explanitory . . .

Hmmmm . . . a waterballoon . . . what might one do with one of these?

Bull's Eye!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sick Maddie

Not much news to report this week except that Maddie came down with a virus on Thursday. She woke up cranky (not too unusual for her), but Kent said she felt warm and I should take her temp. Sure enough, 103.4, that's a temp all right. The doctor ruled out strep and a uti, just another virus that will have to run its course. Kent stayed home Thursday and Friday, and Maddie will have to miss a birthday party tomorrow. We'll likely have a quiet weekend around the house. The picture above is from last weekend when she was feeling better.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


We spent today in Malibu at the beach. Kent and Maddie built a sand castle, and we spashed around in the water. Getting there was easy enough, but getting everything and everyone back to the car afterwards was a workout. Maddie was tired and hot and didn't want to walk. She couldn't keep up with Kent and I who were going as quickly as possible since our arms were breaking. Poor Kent had to carry Maddie along with all of our other beach necessities.

Keeping a crawling 9 month old on a blanket is no easy task, but at least the binky kept Sophie from eating sand.

The Week in Review . . .

We got to spend a couple of evenings with Ralph this week and enjoy some nice meals together. I actually cooked on Wednesday, pesto pasta with shrimp. Thursday, Ralph and Kent took Maddie to her first movie in the theater, the one with the rat. She thought it was too loud for her liking, but Kent managed to bribe her with candy and popcorn until it was over. The postman brought some new toys for the girls which they love. Sophie got the train she is investigating in the picture below. Thanks Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Shirley!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bubble Babies

Bath time is getting better. Today Maddie wrote Sophie a message using her foam letters. To me it looked like: XTMHP, but according to Maddie, it said: "Dear Sophie, I love you. Try not to eat things off the carpet." I couldn't agree more! The tiniest things seem to find their way to that baby's mouth!

They really like being together:


Squirting your sister takes a lot of concentration:

Free Paris!

My timing is a bit late, but I couldn't resist: Free Paris!!

The girls played in the crib between bath time and jammie time. They look like pretty happy prisoners, don't ya think?

Watch Out World

I took this picture of Sophie on her 9 month birthday. Since then, she has made a lot of progress with her crawling. She can go forward now, instead of backwards, and she can move at a pretty quick rate. . . I can't quite remember, is this supposed to be a good thing?

Friday, July 06, 2007

9 Months!

I am 9 months old today! We celebrated with a trip to the Doctor's office. I didn't get any shots, but I did get a blood test for anemia. Luckily, I didn't even notice the quick finger prick.
Here are my stats:
Weight: 19 pounds, 15 ounces (74th percentile)
Length: 28.5 inches (87th percentile)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Another First Day of Preschool

Maddie started back to preschool this morning. She was really excited and couldn't wait to go. Her eyes teared up a little when we got there, but it was a smooth transition overall. Ms. Lisa, her old teacher, let her play in her classroom for a bit, and Maddie felt more comfortable. Here she is showing off her new Tinkerbell backpack (thanks Grandma Mel and Aunt Jessie!)

July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July everyone! We celebrated with good friends and good food. Carrie, Lyman, Milo, and Murphy, as well as Carrie and Ryan joined us for a barbeque Everyone brought something: ribs, chicken, burgers, potato salad, baked beans, two different cheese dips, corn, and apple pie. We didn't even get to the watermelon; we were way too full! It was so hot that we spent most of the day indoors enjoying the air conditioning. After everyone left, Maddie and I sat in the backyard and watched some of the fireworks. She didn't like the noise, but was really impressed with the lights.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Long Days . . .

I am spending a lot of time with my cuties and loving every minute of it. It is really too hot to do anything outside, so we are trying to make the best of the great indoors. I have a week until summer schools starts, and I am actually looking forward to a few hours out of the house. Many times today I have wondered how my mom kept the three of us entertained for years and years and years . . . Those stay-at-homes-moms, whew, what a job!

Free Play

What do you think my big sis is contemplating this time?
Uh- oh mom, I think she is going to make another fort . . .

Yes! That is exactly my intention!