We visited our doctor today for Sophie's 15 month well-baby-check-up. She's picking up new things every day. She knows the hand motions (o.k., some of them) to the "Wheels on the Bus" and "The Itsy-bitsy Spider." She'll attempt just about anything she sees her big sister do. She can say Mama, Dada, dog (more like "da"), hi, and nana (as in banana). She is quite the eater these days with her 9, yep 9, teeth. She's trying to be more civilized while eating by using her own spoon and fork, and I try to serve her food in bowls and on plates rather than just dumping meals onto her highchair tray. Here current stats are as follows, drum roll, please:
Weight: 23 pounds, 6 oz. (60%)
Height: 31 and 3/4 inches (92%)
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