The Post Trauma Nap:

All Recovered!

Sophie is six months old today! What did she get for her birthday? Three lovely shots and a check-up. Actually, the shots were not bad. Sophie didn't even notice the first one; those chubby legs are coming in handy! She cried a little with the next two, but not for more than 5 seconds. She is such a dreamy baby, even the doctor commented on how good she was and how lucky I am (I already know!).
So here are her stats: height- 26.5 inches, weight-17 lbs 5 ounces, head-16.5 inches. That puts her height in the 85th percentile and her weight in the 77th percentile. Her head, which looks so big to us, is only between the 25th and 50th percentiles! That means most six month olds have a head bigger than hers which I find unbelieveable. It's funny because although her length is exactly the same as Maddie's was at 6 months, Sophie weighs 1 ounce less even though she seems so much chubbier than Maddie. I don't know, maybe my mommy-brain is playing tricks on me again. . .
What else . . . She rolls easily over in both directions, loves- loves- loves her play mat, loves people, smiles easily, is head over heels about her sister. . . She eats breakfast and dinner which consist of rice cereal, fruits, and veggies, has no dislikes, but bananas and pears are her favorites, she has no teeth yet, but I think her hair is starting to come back in (yeah!).