Sophie has really started trying to get from point A to point B, and she is almost there! She gets a bit frustrated because when she tries to crawl, she can really only scoot backwards.
My work had our annual "Take Your Kid To Work Day." So, Maddie being 3 months shy of her 4th birthday, I decided to bring her along. She had a great time and quickly bonded with the kids in my class. Here are some of the highlights:
Welcome Dagney Maria! Madeline and Sophie have a new cousin; she arrived May 20th and weighs 7 pounds 8 ounces. We can't wait to see a picture that shows her red hair! We love you already, Kent, Jenny, Maddie, and Sophie. Congratulations!
She looks sleepy, right? It doesn't look like it, but it is Sophie's bedtime. The reason she looks so happy is I have given up on my attempts to keep her up past 7:00. She will fuss, fuss, fuss until I put her into her crib. Then she's like, "Thanks Mom!" If only Maddie would retire early so easily!
After roses, cards, and coffee in bed, we all went to the beach to celebrate Mother's Day. We had a great time enjoying the sun, playing in the sand, and splashing in the surf. Kent and Maddie went pretty far out (for a 3 year old), but I couldn't take any pictures since Sophie was napping at the time. Kent and I finally figured out how to keep Maddie still for 5 minutes; see for yourself!
Today I decided to see if Sophie would like to play in the pool with Madeline, so I put the saucer in, too. Madeline and I thought it was a fabulous idea, but Sophie disagreed. Madeline had a grand time splashing around all by herself.
Sophie is getting her first tooth! I have been checking her gums every day for the past few weeks, and last night I struck gold! I could feel the tippy-top of one of her bottom teeth just breaking through! Yeah!