Me and my sickie. Sophie woke up this morning with some kind of stomach virus. Yuck! I'll spare you the details, but it was apparent that she had some kind of bug after a few diaper changes.
Anyway, I thought I'd take the girls to McDonald's for breakfast since Kent went to golf at 8 and the housekeepers were coming at nine. Well, as soon as we sat down and I started to get Maddie's pancakes cut for her, I heard Sophie coughing. I looked down to discover the table and Sophie covered in puke. I decided the clothes she was wearing were almost too small and just threw them in the trash. Between the parking lot and our carport, Sophie managed to puke 3 additional times, all over herself and the car seat. The poor thing just stood completely naked in the carport crying while I realized I had just used our last baby wipe to clean the buckles so I could unlatch her. Since the car was out of commission and Kent gone for a few more hours, we walked over to the 7 Eleven for some overpriced wipes and pedialyte. Crisis resolved. After a nap, she seemed much better, and we opted to hang outside where the temperature had surpassed the 80 degree mark.

Come on, Maddie! It's not that hard to crack a smile for your mama.

That's better!

By the afternoon, Sophie felt good enough to take her popper for a walk and to play in the car seat I had washed out with the hose a few hours before.