Happy Birthday to the best Daddy in the whole world. Thanks for letting us help you blow out the candles and eat your cake! We love you! Love, Madeline, Sophie, and Mommy, too.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Bye, Bye Baby
I got a little weepy taking it down, but Sophie is almost three and has been successfully sleeping on the lower bunk for a week now, so I knew the time had come. I took down the crib and rearranged the furniture placing the dresser where the crib used to be, creating some much needed space for the girls to play.
In addition to our crib, Sophie has kissed her binkies good-bye. The only "baby" item I think we have left are the diapers, and Sophie seems to be clinging to those for dear life. :(
My Final Cake
These are pictures of my final cake, Kent's birthday cake. I'd like to continue with the classes this fall, but my weekends will be filled with gymnastics and ballet, BALLET!!. I can hardly contain my excitement for next weekend's Twinkle Toes class in which both Sophie and Madeline will participate. Tutus and dance slippers, I think I am more excited than the kids!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Final Cake Class
Yard Sale Find!
Ultimately, I used the shelf to 1. clear counter clutter in the kitchen, and 2. Store Madeline's art supplies (and my sanity.) Fifteen dollars well spent.
Getting Crafty
Monday, August 24, 2009
Summer Camp Pictures
More "borrowed" photos. These were taken off our preschool's website. It is a small school with loving and nurturing teachers and lots of creative activities for the children. What's more, they like to post pictures of all their goings-ons for me to enjoy!
During the month of August, my girls have been attending a summer camp program from 9 until 12 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It's something we all look forward to! Madeline and Sophie get to play, get crafty, sing songs, and run around with other kids, while I get to enjoy such luxuries as grocery shopping by myself and doing dishes uninterrupted.

The summer camp program is where Sophie attends preschool during the school year and where Madeline went to preschool, as well. Maddie really loves seeing her former teachers and classrooms, and Sophie adores having her big sister at school with her. I keep hearing these rave reviews from their teachers about how caring and loving they are to each other, hugging on the playground (as pictured above) and at other times when theirs paths meet during the morning. It is quite heartwarming, as well as a bit surprising, too.
More Party Pictures
These are some pictures Louis took at Madeline's party. Isn't it nice to have talented friends? Thanks for capturing these special moments, Louis!
The cake. Madeline is always happy to eat what I bring home from class, but she insisted on her traditional Costco cake for the party.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Six Years Old
Thanks to all our caring friends who were able to share the evening with us and Uncle Adam who was in town from Montana. We had so much fun, and Madeline can't wait to play with all of her presents!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Culinary Skills
As I previously mentioned, I am taking a cake decorating class with some of my friends. This clown cake is cake #2. I tried to talk Madeline into using it for her birthday cake, but she was horrified. She thought the clowns made the cake look like it was made for a "baby." So, I decided to put Sophie's name on it since she is the closest thing I have to a baby (she is no longer in her crib or using her binky, but I'll make a separate post about that later, *sigh, sigh, sigh*). And besides, Sophie has been feeling a little left out with all this birthday talk for Maddie lately.
In addition to making cakes, I have really wanted to work on some cooking skills. I have been telling myself for awhile now that I am going to start actually cooking for my family, not just warming chicken nuggets and making Kraft mac and cheese. So, last week I made this rigatoni and vegetable casserole; my friend Jenny made one for a party last year, and it was awesome. I found a similar recipe on-line and made a few of my own changes like using less pasta and more veggies. It had spinach, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, and tofu in it, and My Kids Ate It! I think when this cake class is over, I might just take a cooking class.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Cake Class!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Farm Time!
This little boy showed Maddie how to get animal feed out without putting a quarter in. She spent quite a bit of time embarrassing me with this activity.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Dentist, Take Two
I took Madeline to see the dentist today, and I am happy to report, her second visit went about 100 times better than her first. What a difference a year makes! She was super cooperative for her x-rays, cleaning, and exam. She hated the fluoride rinse, but other than that, no complaints (insert big sigh of relief from me here). Well actually, Sophie has a complaint. It seems she wants to see the dentist too, but I was advised to wait another year for her. Hopefully, her enthusiasm won't fade too much over the next 12 months.
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