Saturday, April 24, 2010
Tide Pool Trip
Art Show
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Birthday Party!
Swim Class!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Pizza Night! TGIF!
We kicked off the weekend with a make-your-pizza-night. Daddy made whole wheat pizza crust, and the kids did everything else. They were up way too late but woke up at their usual time, of course. Why is it so hard for kids to sleep in when they are up later the night before? Oh well. At least they are pretty good at entertaining themselves in the mornings, and I can get some extra shut eye until their little bellies start to growl.
Monday morning, Madeline fell during recess and hurt her ankle. Although she mentioned it to her teacher, she didn't complain about it again during her school day. She was in a lot of pain by 2:30 though, and she told the after school program leaders that she thought her ankle might be broken, but they didn't even bother to look at it. When I arrived at 4:30, later than usual because I had to have a TB test done that afternoon, I found her crying and sitting on the pavement. I asked one of the leaders about Madeline's ankle, and she gave me the impression that Madeline was exaggerating and changing up which leg she was limping on. Well, when we got home, we removed her socks and shoes, and found her ankle to be about 3 times it's normal size and shades of blue. She and Kent spent the evening at the urgent care getting x-rays and crutches. The poor kid went though her whole school day, PE, lunch time recess, and two hours after school with a severely sprained ankle. Luckily, the x-rays did not reveal a fracture. Even today, 5 days later, she is still limping and has bruising along her foot and ankle.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Day Nine: Easter
What you shouldn't do during an earthquake: take a video. As you can see, not much moved except our kitchen light. Also a fun game with Leah and bubbles.
Day Eight of Spring Break
Friday, April 02, 2010
Day Seven: Strawberries!
Today was a great day. We drove to my favorite farm to pick strawberries. You can pick all kinds of fruits and vegetables depending on the season, so Kent picked some fresh spinach, too. The weather was perfect, even a little breezy, and the kids loved riding in the wagon and looking at the animals.

Only two more days of the my little break . . . It went by way too quickly. I am going to miss my two little ones terribly on Monday when I return to work. But, I am happy to report that I will be taking five furlough days before the end of the year. My paychecks will be a little smaller, but I couldn't be happier about getting more time with my little ones.
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