Saturday, March 31, 2012
Performance Sample
Here is a video I found of the Ropers performing at a Wizards game. Just to give you an idea of what Madeline will get to do next year, here's a closer look at the jumpers, too.
Blurry Cellphone Pictures

I love having Madeline at work with me. I catch glimpses of her in music class and PE. Sometimes our paths cross in the hallways. I can pop in and see her on special days like Valentine's Day. It is so nice.
So, these pics are terrible, but they capture some highlights of my days at work. Above is a jump rope performance in the cafeteria. The performance marked the end of a month long jump rope clinic meant to prepare students for the F.O.X. Ropers team. Madeline tried out yesterday morning. She said they were called in groups of four, had to do a routine, then they had to stay with the beat of the music while the coaches called out step changes. We found out yesterday that Madeline made the team for next year! She was thrilled!!
The third grade did a biography unit. Their study culminated in a parade of famous people. Madeline was Harriet Tubman; she had a written report, her poster, and gave an oral presentation. Here she is parading around the school and walking by my class. My fifth graders gave her high fives and cheered her on. Such a fun way to end the day before spring break!
Fun Fair and Cherry Blossoms

Last Saturday, the girls and I attended a school fundraiser, also known as Fun Fair. The kids ate pizza and hotdogs, played games, won prizes, bounced in moon bounces, and decorated themselves with face paint and hair color. It closed at 3:00, so I strategically arrived at 2.
Monday evening, we knew we were running out of time to see the DC cherry blossoms. They were to peak over the weekend, but the weekend was a rainy one. After school, we picked up Subway sandwiches, stopped by the house to let the dog out, and walked to the metro station. We made it down to the Tidal Basin about 6. Unfortunately, most of the blossoms were gone, but we got to see a little sample of what was left. Then we walked back to the metro, met Kent on his way home from work at metro center, stopped off in Clarendon to buys some new books, and finally made it home by about 9. It was kind of an exhausting Monday.
My girls do own other sweaters and jackets than those seem is recent posts. It's just these are their current favorites, and I like to dress them the same when we are out and about in crowded places. It's easier to keep track of them that way. :)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Early Spring
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Spirit Night!
Our school's Spirit Night was rescheduled because of the gastroenteritis outbreak last month for last night. Madeline was so excited to perform with her jumprope group during the staff volleyball game. You can't really tell in these pictures, but they all spray painted their hair blue and green. She did a great job!
The F.O.X. Skippers, which Madeline participated in, is done for the year. Now Madeline is in a clinic that practices three mornings a week for one hour before school to prepare for tryouts for the F.O.X. Ropers. The Ropers are a performance group, and they are pretty amazing jump ropers. Madeline is hopeful she'll make the team which is open to fourth, fifth, and sixth graders for next year.
In addition to jump roping three days a week, Madeline is keeping busy with weekly swim lessons (she wants to join a swim team this summer), and 90 minutes a week of gymnastics. She is an active and tired little girl!
How cute is my cheerleader??? Her kindergarten paperwork is all set, and she'll be attending orientation next month. I can't believe I will have both my girls under the same roof with me all day next year!! No morning or PM drop offs will be luxurious!
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