We attended Madeline's graduation ceremony from preschool this evening. The kids and the teachers really out did themselves tonight. Kent and I were so proud. The kids sang 8 songs, did a couple of dances, and each child recited a poem. Madeline's video is too big to post here, but I can tell you that I think I was more nervous than she was when she recited her four lines of poetry in front of 100+ people.
In the picture below, I'm thinking, how long can we occupy this one with cheerios and goldfish crackers? The ceremony was close to two hours long. Although it was really impressive to Kent and I, we're use to celebrating only our high school and college graduations. Since living on the west coast, I've learned that graduations are BIG here. We'll be celebrating not only preschool, but kindergarten, elementary, and middle school graduations for both of our kids, in addition to their high school ones. Needless to say, we arrived home close to 9:00 with 2 hungry, thirsty, and tired children.
Congrats Maddie!
Tell Maddie that her Uncle Josh and Aunt Jenn are so proud of her, too! And give a hug and a kiss from us!
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