Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pools and Picnics

Our cousins, aunts, and uncles on my side of the family have arrived!  Aunt Jessie, Adam and Emmet are here from Montana, and Uncle Josh, Jenn, Dagney and Paige are here from New Jersey.  It is a full house!  Full of kids, love, laughter, noise, and activity.  

Everyone loves the pool.  In the picture above, Madeline was finally able to coax Sophie out into the water with her.  What's great is now I don't have to get in with the kids and get to relax at the water's edge or (gasp) lounge in a pool chair!  

Madeline is almost 6 and the oldest, Sophie, Emmet, and Dagney are 2, and little Paige is the youngest in the bunch, that is until October when Sawyer and Baby L arrive!  Next year, we'll need something larger than Grandma's condo to corral us all in.

The infamous red watering can that I heard so much about last year is still around . . . and still very much loved by Emmet-pants.

We had a lovely barbecue at Harry's house one evening.  Madeline rode a bike up and down the street, still with training wheels, that's something to work on for next year, and the little ones pushed cars and trucks around.
The picture below cracks me up!  I am not sure what my sweet and loving Sophie is doing . . .    I didn't even realize I took this picture until I scrolled back through them, and caught her, red-handed.  Oops!

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