Monday, September 28, 2009
A (small) Taste of Fall
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Some Success, Finally!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Dance Class Video
Here is the video of my girls at dance class last week. Apparently, forgetting to curtsy is serious business. Now don't think my girls were singled out here, no, no, no. All the little dancers were barked out at some point. :( After last week, I made a couple of calls, and I am happy to report, today's class was much more relaxed.
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Busy, busy, busy. This is my new life. We have all been trying to get into our school year schedules of early mornings, afternoon pick-ups, homework, packing lunches, and the list goes on and on. I never realized that the school age years would be so much more difficult than the baby years. Gone are our come home, take your shoes off, and play on the floor evenings. Evenings are filled with lots of "have to do" stuff now. We have been trying to adjust, but is has definitely been a challenge.
Although Madeline has really enjoyed first grade thus far, the new bathroom policy has created some anxiety for her. Her classroom uses a card system for discipline: everyone starts on green, but must change to yellow, then red depending on the behaviors exhibited. Well, on the third day of school, Madeline had to move to yellow for using the restroom during class (students are supposed to go at recess and lunch). Since the incident, she has been experiencing some, hmmmm. . . let's just say "issues" in the bathroom department that resulted in the school nurse calling us to pick her up early last Thursday for a low grade fever and a few other symptoms. Anyway, to make a long story a bit shorter, she now has a doctor's note allowing her to use the restroom when necessary without penalty.
Our Saturday's are filled with gymnastics and dance classes. We, well I, had some problems with their dance teacher constantly yelling at the kids and losing her temper. I'll post the video if you didn't catch it on facebook. The kids enjoyed the class, but I found myself white knuckling it through the hour as she insulted the kids. I had Kent go last week as a witness, and his sides hurt from laughing so hard. It's one of those things that makes you want to laugh and cry and the same time. The teacher is so far off her rocker you just want to laugh at her, but you want to cry for the little three year olds who can't keep up and are getting barked at for it. Anyway, I made a few calls, and I am happy to report that their teacher has seemed to have "chilled out" a bit.
Sophie is working on potty training, and not very successfully. She has no interest in it and a seemingly inability to recognize the urge to pee. She will literally spend hours on the potty producing nothing. She'll look into the empty potty disappointedly and say, "I just can't dot it." It appears she will still be in diapers at her third birthday party: insert long *sigh* here. On to happier things, her party is going to be a Dora party, and she is super excited. She talks about it everyday. She is loving being back at school, and her teachers rave about how sweet and easy going she is. I will count my blessings in that department.
I will post some pictures some time this weekend, promise, promise, promise. We are all eagerly anticipating the arrival of two new cousins. Baby Sawyer's due date is just three days away, and Baby Lilly is expected to arrive on October 6. We can't wait! And speaking of things we can't wait for, cooler weather is topping my list. Winter can't come soon enough!
Friday, September 11, 2009
First Days!
What a busy week! Madeline started first grade on Wednesday, I got my new sixth graders, and Sophie returned to preschool. Although busy, the week was a good one. It was a super drastic change from our leisurely summer, but I actually enjoyed my early mornings and full days.
Madeline was soooo ready to go back to school. I surprised her with a new Scooby-Doo lunchbox (she loves that show and wants to be Daphne for Halloween) for her first day. Then Thusday she bought her lunch and lost her lunch money somewhere between her classroom and the cafeteria. Friday, she forgot to put her snack in the "snack basket" and didn't get a snack. I am hoping she'll become more organized this year . . . Well, one can hope . . .
At Madeline's school, the students line up and return to their previous classes on the first day of school. So, in the picture below, Madeline is in her Kindergarten class. After a short "circle time," her Kindergarten teacher walked the students to their new first grade classes.
Madeline was hoping for Ms. Woodward, and she got her! Yeah! Here her teacher is greeting her new students, and you can see Madeline already in her seat. One perk of failing your hearing test is you get preferential up front seating. :)
Sunday, September 06, 2009
The End of Summer
We had an awesome summer Saturday evening with our friends Carrie and Milo. We enjoyed perfect weather and perfectly happy children running and shrieking all over the place. Madeline, my energetic little cruise ship director, kept the little ones entertained with arts and crafts and games. You'd think she'd be tired from a gymnastics class and a dance class on the same day, but no that is just not my Maddie's style.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
The girls started "Twinkle Toes Ballet" this afternoon. The age range in the group is 3-5, so technically neither of them should be enrolled, but I signed them up anyway. They did really well and seemed to have fun, and they were so incredibly adorable in their dance wear.
I am going to let the girls continue with this class even though I am not all that impressed with their teacher. I think she'd benefit from some early childhood/child development course work, and more than once, I found myself thinking, if she speaks to either of my children like that, I am going to immediately request a refund. I certainly didn't sign up and pay money for my children to be snapped at. But luckily, my little angels did their best to follow directions and pay attention, and managed to escape the hour long class without being reprimanded.

Friday, September 04, 2009
This week I went back to work for three days, Madeline started Karate, and Sophie had an eye exam. Madeline seemed to enjoy her class, especially since she is with her friend Andrew.
Sophie visited the eye doctor Thursday. She'll need new glasses with a 5.50 prescription and to wear a patch 2 hours a day for the next two months. She was an excellent patient, sat in the chair, looked through the lenses, identified various pictures, and so forth. I found the "telephone" picture funny because it looked like a rotary phone from the 1970's, and not a symbol my two year old would recognize as a "phone." Anyway, I am relieved that it does not appear that she'll need surgery and thankful to have such a cooperative little patient on my hands.
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