We really love having a four legged friend around. Leah is really a perfect dog for our kids. She is so patient with them and even lets them drag her around playing pet shop. The girls can't wait to get home and play with her each day and are excited every morning when they see her.

She is 22 pounds according to her pound records, so a bit bigger than we initially guessed. And after spending 10 days with her, it appears she is "mostly" housebroken and "mostly" crate trained. She is excellent about being in her crate and never whines or barks in it, but she does soil her bedding during the night.

We don't actually allow Leah on the furniture, but Madeline talked us into letting her say good-night.
I am so glad another pound puppy found a home!
Try reducing the available space in her crate to just enough for her to sleep in. If the crate is too large, she will sleep in one area and then pee in another area of the crate. Then make sure you don't leave her in it too long until she gets the idea of not peeing where she sleeps. Good luck! Grandpa Ralph
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