This is the gorgeous view from our campsite. We camped at about 7000 feet along a babbling creek. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. The days were warm, and the nights were cold. By cold, I mean it was 22 degrees when we woke up Saturday morning. Luckily, Kent and I invested in some cold weather sleeping bags just for the trip.
To say we had a fantastic time, would be a complete understatement. This weekend was one of the best I have had in years. Hanging out with family, roasting marshmallows, and sitting around a campfire without any access to telephones or the internet was awesome.
We did not bring any toys, and the kids were almost completely entertained by the things nature had to offer (to be honest, the kids did have fun playing in the grandparent's camper and with Emmet's cars and dinosaurs).
Here Madeline is playing a super safe game that she observed the adults playing the night before. The goal is to make your opponent lose his balance and topple off his log.

Here is a picture of our whole group on our last day. Although it is nice to be home and showered, I am already looking forward to next year.
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