Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

We had our first Thanksgiving in our new home. We enjoyed the company of Kent's parents and Dawn and her family. We put a ladder against our back fence, and the two little boys Maddie plays with at school, were able to spend the day in the yard.

Kent made the turkey and stuffing. I made my family's cranberry salad, and everyone brought sides and desserts. We recovered from the meal with some football, and all in all, had a really lovely Thanksgiving.

The table . . . waiting for some extra folding chairs. I made a table for 10! 

The adult end set with my fine china. This is the first time I've used it since moving east. I  may request a couple of additional place settings for Christmas now that we have a dining room and space to seat more guests.

                                        Happy Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh, that looks lovely. Glad you have the space to host the family near you!