Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas, 2012

We enjoyed our first Christmas in our new home.

Grandma Connie came over Christmas Eve to join us for a dinner of prime rib, shrimp, baked potatoes, asparagus, and cranberry salad. Then we settled in the basement with a cozy fire, some red wine, and a 500 piece puzzle.

As everyone slumbered, Santa arrived! He left two new bikes, books, and crafts.  Below is a picture of Madeline strategizing her morning of opening presents.

Both girls got American Girl dolls from Grandma Connie, and they love them! They also got legos, barbies, a scooter for Sophie, and so many other things to play with from their  far-away family.

Later that morning, we went to our neighborhood park to try out the new bikes.

In the afternoon, it was time to clean up for Christmas dinner at Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Ralph's house. The girls were so beautiful in their holiday dresses! I took so many pictures!!!

Madeline brought some of her new legos over, and they were a hit with the cousins.

The kiddie table at Ralph and Shirley's was all smiles! We had ham, turkey, pierogies, and too many goodies to mention.

Merry Christmas to all. We hope your day was merry and bright.

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