Thursday, August 08, 2013

Summer Dayz

We've been staying entertained with outings over the last week. We met up with our cousins at Hidden Pond to look through the nature center and to find some turtles. Aren't these pictures beautiful? The talented Aunt Jen took them!

On a gorgeous day (look at that sky!), we went to the spray ground and a neighboring park.

The park's playground has a neat "woodsy' theme. Sophie loved climbing the "trees."

Kent and I attended a Bad Company concert in Solomans, Maryland. It was a really great venue located on the Chesapeake Bay. We had a really  great time! Thanks Mom for watching the kids!

I love finding surprises on the camera! Kent must have taken this one of Sophie last night. She is my resident sleeper-in-er. She loves to lay in bed, often until 10 or 11 am!

Summer dayz and summer nights, we're loving them!

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