Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Baltimore, Try #2

Over the Labor Day weekend, we decided to take a second try at the Baltimore Aquarium. We found out last time that we needed to buy our tickets ahead of time. So, we went ahead and purchased a membership this time. However, we didn't check to see if there were any other events going on in Baltimore that day. Oops. Just the Grand Prix had every road blocked off, and traffic was mis-er-a-ble. We persevered since the aquarium was Madeline's summer request, and we were down to the wire to make it happen.

The aquarium was really cool, and we all enjoyed the dolphin show. But, it was so crowded, even with the Grand Prix going on outside its front doors. When we use our membership again, it will definitely be on a week day!

Madeline purchased "Stripe" with her leftover birthday money. She loves stuffed animals!

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