Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Winter Break!

Friday marked the end of work and school for two weeks! We had our winter party in fifth grade, and it was great to be both a teacher and a parent throughout the festivities. In one station, the kids had 15 minutes to make a human snowman using toilet paper and construction paper. Below is Maddie at the halfway point. She had ears and a tail by the time her group was complete. Winners were determined by the amount of clapping at the end. Madeline was thrilled when her group won.

Saturday was a full full day! I got up early, went to two stores, got my hair done, took the girls to see the Nutcracker, then hosted a holiday get-together with some of Kent's old Burke friends.

Here are some pictures I took of a recent sunrise! This is the view from our breakfast table.

This is out of order, but Friday night, the girls attended a community Christmas party where they had their faces painted. Kent took them, and I had the house to myself for over two hours!

Madeline strung popcorn for our tree. I was surprised by her patience.

Merry Christmas Eve!

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