Friday, September 12, 2014

Another First Day!

We made it through our first couple of weeks of the school year! Sophie is a second grader, and Maddie is a sixth grader. First day pancakes have become our new tradition. The girls are very happy this year. Madeline has three teachers and changes classes throughout the day. Sophie has very few of her old friends in her new class, but hopefully, this year she will make some new ones.

I feel so incredibly lucky to bring my girls to work with me. Although I work full time, I feel so involved in their school day. This year, my schedule has worked out perfectly. I am able to spend lunch with both my girls almost any day I choose. It is pretty awesome.

Next year will be pretty tough. With Maddie going to middle school in less than a year, I know I need to savor every moment.

Lunch with my little:

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