Well, yesterday evening, Sophie's diarrhea took a turn for the worst. After her 9th dirty diaper, I decided to take her to the urgent care where she blew out 2 more additional diapers while we talked to the doctor there. I was told to take her to the ER for fear of dehydration. The doctor said they would likely run some labs and possibly an IV. She called the hospital ahead for us, and we were on our way. I got to the ER at 7:40 pm. At about 9:00, we were sent to "Express Care" to wait some more. At, 10:30, they finally called Sophie's name only to say that since the Express Care would be closing, and we would be needing some lab work, we were being sent back to the ER to wait some more. At about 11:00 pm, we were sent to one of the rooms in the ER, where we waited until 2:00 am to finally be seen by a doctor. By this time, Sophie had gone through all of the additional diapers I'd packed, and I was sqeezing her into the hospital's swaddlers, which she continued to tear through. I think she had a total of 15 diarrhea episodes in all. The doctor, the first to see her since 7:00, looked at her smiling face, her eyes and mouth and sent us home, no labs, no IV. He said," she doesn't appear dehydrated yet, just keep doing what you're doing." What a waste of time. I finally got home at 2:30 am after exposing her to 8 hours of germs for nothing. We're continueing to give her fluids, but other than that, I guess we'll just let this virus run its course and try to stop worrying so much. Yeah, right.