Sunday, February 18, 2007

Back to the Hospital

I took Sophie to Urgent Care Saturday morning for an eye infection, something she must have picked up at the hospital. They listened to her lungs and checked her oxygen after I told them she had RSV, and they sent us back to the ER where we were admitted again. She gets oxygen through little tubes in her nose, has breathing treatments every four hours, gets her nose suctioned frequently and steroid medication. I just found out today she also has some kind of bacterial infection she's starting antibiotics for. She is miserable. I am home for a quick shower, then back to the hospital. The dr didn't know when we'd come home, she guessed three to four more days. It depends on when Sophie can get enough oxygen on her own which she can't do right now. Please pray for a speedy recovery. I just want to see her smile, laugh, and talk again.

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