Saturday, February 03, 2007


As Sophie approaches her 4 month birthday, she is spending a lot of time on her back and tummy while we try to coax her to roll over. She can get up on her side, but is not rolling over yet. She has a well baby check-up Wednesday, so we'll see what her weight and length are up to . . .

It is a beautiful day in LA today. Madeline and I went to the library, then to Home Depot for paint swatches. I am going to attempt to repaint the living room before returning to work. We love our gold walls, but after 5 years, we are ready for a change.

In other news, we are anxiously awaiting the birth of Emmet. Jessie, at 35 weeks, has already begun the process of effacing and dialating. We're all hoping for a February birthday!

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