Friday, June 01, 2007

Sick Maddie!

Well, we had an excellent run of good health with both kids since taking Maddie out of preschool. Then last Friday I took Maddie to work with me, and she has been out of commission ever since. It started Tuesday with a phone call from Betty who said Maddie was crying and wouldn't eat. Kent picked her up, she promptly threw up in the car and had a temperature of 102.5 when they arrived at the urgent care. She was diagnosed with a stomach virus, but hasn't thrown up since. Wednesday she began to complain of a sore throat, so Kent took her to our regular doctor where she was diagnosed with Hand-foot-mouth disease. I guess it is a common virus, although she has nerer had it before. So she continues to battle her fever which is worrisome because it is too painful for Maddie to swallow anything, including tylonel or motrin. She has had crying (did I say crying? I really meant screaming) episodes round the clock for the past 24 hours. She is miserable: feverish, unable to eat or drink without screaming, drooling, and coughing. Kent has been caring for her since Tuesday, but I am going to stay home with her today. I am up early to go to work to prepare sub plans and take Sophie to daycare. So far, Sophie isn't acting sick; I am keeping my fingers crossed that she and the rest of us will be spared!

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