Look, I have two babies!! Really, I have one baby and one amazing helper. Maddie has been an incredible help to us the last few nights. Sophie has been waking and crying about an hour after she falls asleep. It is very strange because I have always put her down for naps and to bed awake and happy and without a fuss. So, she has been falling asleep peacefully at 7, then waking with tears at around 8. This is very strange because we really haven't heard a peep from Sophie since she started sleeping through the night at 10 weeks. Anyway, around 8 is when Maddie usually goes in to sleep too. So, we told her she didn't have to stay in there if Sophie is crying, but Maddie says she would rather sing lullabies to Sophie than fall asleep in our bed??? Even stranger, right?? With Maddie's company, little Sophie goes back to sleep. Too cute!
Tonight, I decided I would delay Sophie's bedtime an hour to see if that helps. She fell asleep about 40 minutes ago, so I'll find out if this works in the next half hour.
During the day today, Maddie requested to play in the crib. I decided it might be fun for both of them and would make for some adorable pictures.
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