Our 22 month old daughter has her first pair of glasses. We picked them up this evening, and I am just not sure what to think about them. I am thinking that, perhaps, I should have done a bit more research before filling her prescription rather than letting the "professional" guide my decisions.
The glasses seem a bit large on Sophie's face, and I think a more rounded pair would have been a better choice. Anyway, I am sure this is the first of many pairs, as they will no doubt become scratched, broken, lost, etc. . . .
The jury is still out for me on whether they help her see better or not. She knows a few letters and can identify them at close range, with and without the glasses . . .
The jury is also still out on whether Sophie is going to be agreeable to wearing the glasses or not. In the store, she seemed to accept them. She pointed to them, smiled, and said "Mine?" followed by "Mine." several times. During the car ride home, she took the glasses off and didn't want to put them back on. Once we were home, Sophie showed her glasses off to Daddy and Maddie (Maddie said, " It's not fair. Mommy, Daddy, and Sophie have glasses, and I don't."), but then, she refused to wear them. So I took out my lenses, put on my own glasses, gave Maddie a pair of shades, and tried to convince Sophie that wearing glasses was super cool, which is seeming to work, at least for the moment . . .
Cool chicks wear glasses. Everybody's doing it.

Cool chicks wear glasses. Everybody's doing it.
She looks cute, it's impossible for her not to.
How gorgeous you ladies look in glasses!
~ Uncle Josh
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