Baths have become such a chore around our house. Over the past year, our nightly bath routine has dwindled down from every night, to every other night, to twice a week. The girls cry when I rinse their hair, fight over the faucet side of the tub, make big splashes and a mess for me to clean up. So last night, as I was procrastinating/complaining about the upcoming event, Kent suggested I just wash them in the pool. The kids thought this was a great idea, and it went over well. No fighting over the faucet, no too-big splashes, no mess for me to clean up. There were still a few tears over the hair rinsings, but hey, I was happy. Thanks Daddy, what a good idea!
What a great idea! I also like the look of the yard sans stumps!
Just curious, is that inflatable zebra putting up more weight on the bench press than Kent these days?
~ Uncle Josh
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