Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Fun!

First and foremost, we survived Hurricane Sandy!  We were very lucky. Our sump pump worked like a champ, we never lost power, and we got two days off of school! Kent worked from home, and we enjoyed some extra family time together.

Wednesday, we carved our pumpkins. One rotted over the last couple of weeks, so we had to figure out who was going to design whose pumpkin. Sophie ended up settling for a "cute" design on the little one and Maddie came up with a "spooky" design for the bigger one.

Thursday, we went back to school, came home, and donned our costumes. Sophie had a change of heart. She decided she didn't want to be Dorothy anymore. She wanted to be a ballerina and wear things we already had. I purchased, several weeks ago, her costume, ruby slippers, tights, a dog, and a basket. Yeesh. What evs.  So, here we have this year's Halloween: Dorothy and a ballerina. Ta Da!

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