Saturday, November 17, 2012


Not too much to report this week, except that I am feeling especially grateful and thankful for my many, many blessings. Truly, I am blessed beyond what I deserve in both big and small ways.

A few things I have thought of lately . . . . I am thankful to work where my girls go to school. This week alone, I was able to watch Madeline's jumprope performance and attend Sophie's Thanksgiving feast. I am so thankful that both girls absolutely love school this year . . . I was able to watch Sophie's acting debut in her Thanksgiving play where she was a narrator and one of the few little ones with speaking parts. Wow, she shined. I always thought of Sophie as my shy little one, but she is proving to be my little singer/actor/performer, and I am thankful for surprises like this.

I am thankful Madeline has found too many sports and activities that make her happy.  How lucky is she that she will have to choose which competitive activity she will pursue . . .

I am so, so, so thankful that Kent is building his studio in the backyard. He has something that occupies his time, energy, and passion.

As for me, making my family happy, makes me happy.  I know while I get to ponder what to hang on my walls this winter, many other mamas must concentrate on how to keep their babies warm and clothed. I am blessed beyond what I deserve. I have healthy children, a loving and supportive husband, a roof over my head, a job, warmth, and the list goes on.

And just in case you are still not convinced to "count your blessings," I'll leave you with this picture of my girls feeling "appreciative" at Frying Pan Park today. Madeline wants to know what they use to use  to wipe . . . I have no idea. Please, share if you know the answer to my inquisitive little one's question. I would be most appreciative. :)

Happy pre-Thanksgiving everyone. Use this week to appreciate all your blessings and please consider how you might help others throughout this holiday season.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I have read in some books that newspaper was used.

I love this counting of blessings!