Saturday, January 12, 2013

A New Year

Although it's January, these pictures are from the last week of 2012.  The girls and I put together a couple of boxes of donations for our local homeless shelter. They really enjoyed choosing a couple of their new toys to give to others, and I was very proud of them both.

We've been making the birthday party rounds in kindergarten. It seems there are a lot of friends turning six this time of year. Just last night, Kent and I had to divide and conquer with Sophie and I heading to a party, and Kent taking Maddie to perform at a local high school game.

We were fortunate to get two light dustings of snow over our winter break.  Just enough for a semi-pathetic snowman; things were getting slushy by the time Maddie started on his head. Sophie basically gets geared up and is out long enough for a picture before heading back inside.

I fulfilled Madeline's request to go iceskating before heading back to school. She did quite well; determined as always to get up and going after a fall. I lasted a few trips around the rink before considering how a broken bone might affect my ability to juggle family, life, and work. I decided it was safer for me to watch from the sidelines.

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