Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Keeping Up with Maddie

I'll be the first to admit that we were over-extended last week. I can't believe we all survived intact, actually.

Monday night, Maddie had her usual Gymnastics class until 9.  Wednesday evening, Madeline had an orchestra performance at 6; we were at school from 7:45 until 8:30 that night. It was a looooong day.

She had three jumprope practices and two evening performances, as well. Then, we wrapped up the week with her swim lesson. I am tired just thinking about it!!

One of Madeline's performances was at the Patriot Center on the campus of George Mason University. We usually go to high school games, and this one was a college game. It was her biggest venue yet! She was so nervous!

Unfortunately, Sophie was under the weather last week. She has been battling a cold and cough. She was a good sport through most of the week but was disappointed to miss her own swim class on Sunday. This week is much quieter and healthier, and we are enjoying it!

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