Monday, June 10, 2013

Raystown Lake

Camping trip #2 of the season was to Raystown Lake, PA. Getting there was a hike after a full day of work, but it was worth it. The mountains were beautiful!  We joined another set of cousins this time, and had fun playing at the beach and in the water.

The morning was cool and cloudy, but when the sun came out, it was gorgeous!

 Did Madeline want to try out the water trampoline? What do you think?

Sooo, I suffer from daily back pain. It's not really sleeping on the hard ground that bothers it, but the standing at a less than a 180 degree angle when getting in or out of the tent that is painful. So, while we have that lovely tent to the left, I really think I'd like that pop-up to our right. Unfortunately, our pocketbook says to just take some advil.

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