Thursday, June 20, 2013

Time Trials and a Trip!

 Last weekend was soooooo busy! We started off Saturday morning with time trials. It was not an official meet, but a chance to time yourself at the beginning of the season. The coach uses the times to decide which swimmers to put in the first "A" meet.  As a nine year old, Madeline has to swim 50's rather than last year's 25's for all strokes except butterfly. Below, she is wrapping up her 50 freestyle with a strong lead in her heat!

Go Maddie!  First in her heat with some time to spare!

Celebratory shaved ice! Maddie will swim freestyle and backstroke (eek!) in the "A" meet.  She has never done backstroke in even a "B" meet before.

After the time trials, we hit the road with Grandma Connie and headed up to New Jersey for a surprise birthday party for Uncle Josh! What a surprise it was!

 After the surprise party, we spent the night with our cousins at their adorable new house!  Before heading back to Nova, we spent some time along the shores of Lake Mohawk burning up some energy before the long car ride home.  It was a busy but very fun weekend!

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