Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Midwest Trip

The girls and I headed west last week to spend some time with family. Our first stop was South Dakota where we enjoyed our time with Grandpa and Grandma. We shopped and shopped, played with the dogs, enjoyed some great meals, and Maddie even went fishing one morning on Grandpa's boat.

On the third day, Aunt Jessie and company arrived! The girls loved playing with their cousins, especially new baby, Ranger! What a cutie!

We took these pictures at Lake Farley. Thanks Grandma for the matching suits!

Besides good eats, there were plenty of treats.

On day 4, we drove down to Worthington, MN, for a family reunion on my mom's side. The kids enjoyed the hotel, especially the pool.

On the final day of our trip, we drove to see my grandma's grave and her old home. We trespassed, not knowing who the farm belongs to today, to get some pictures of where Margie lived and where my mom spent lots of time while growing up.

This is the original barn built in the early 1900's. The original white farmhouse is there too, but it has been added on to. Back then, my great-grandparents owned 160 acres.  We didn't stay long, as the large dog on the premises looked quite hungry. We're back home now resting up for our big trip to Los Angeles in a few weeks!

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